AboutAnna Pollock I grew up in Meriden, MN. It’s a small town about an hour south of the Twin Cities. I believe that home can be made anywhere there is love, which is why I write romance novels that center around community, passion, and place.
My winding path weaves in and out of the music, radio, and entertainment industry. Lately, I’ve found myself at the intersection of arts in rural and urban spaces. I’m currently the Executive Director at Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council, one of eleven regional arts councils in Minnesota. I’ve told stories on the stage through theater and on the page through books. I’ve never thought of myself an author, but maybe that’s why it works. The best plot twists are the ones that sneak up on you.
If you’ve read my books, seen my shows, are an arts advocate, or are just stopping by to take a look around, I hope you are inspired to think about what home means to you. Wherever and whoever that is.