Hello! My name’s Anna. I’m an arts administrator, theater director, author, and homecomer. Take a look around. And hey, thanks for stopping by my little nook on the internet. I’m glad you’re here.

My Books:

Here’s my love letter to Minneapolis.

Well, kind of. 

I worked in the magazine industry for 3.2 seconds during my career, and this book exists because of it. Pit and a Peach is about the age old question, “Are the best years behind me?” And I categorically think, no! They’re in front of us, but only if we believe it. It’s my first time ever writing in first-person POV, so if that’s your style, try it out.

You like romance novels? Cool.
You like local food chains and small family run produce farms? Me too.
How about small town girls that fall for big cities boys? How cliche, right?

When the Summer’s Over has all three. It’s my debut novel and something that came from an experience I had working at a CSA one summer. Laughing between the tomato bushes, making dinner with vegetables picked that day, waking up early to work farmer’s markets. That’s what this book reminds me of. Hope it doesn’t make you too hungry.
©Anna Pollock 2024ANNA POLLOCK