Digital ResumeAnna Pollock


Executive Director
Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council

07-2023 to Present

Prairie Lakes Regional Arts Council is part of a statewide system of Region Arts Councils funded in part by Minnesota Arts and Culturnal Hertigage fund and the McKnight Foundation. We distribute funding to youth, artists, and arts organizations across the 9-county region of Southcentral Minnesota.

More Information:

Regional Arts Councils ↗
Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund ↗
McKnight Foundation ↗

Waseca Drama Department

12-2021 to 02-2025

In the fall of 2021, I was presented with an opportunity to take over the theater productions at Waseca High School.  Having been in theater all throughout my childhood, I am honored to be back in my hometown to teach and learn with a new generation.

Rapunzel Uncut
Legally Blonde: The Musical
Little Women
How to Succeed in High School (Without Really Trying)
Mamma Mia!
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
Check Please: Take 3

Cedar Crate Farm is a small but mighty family owned produce farm situated southeast of Mankato, MN. They use organic and sustainable practices to produce 70+ varieties of produce each year. I had the privilege of working part-time during their 2022 season.

Feeding Chickens
Harvesting Vegetables
Tending to Weeds
Selling at Farmer’s Markets
Sampling Produce :)

Lead For America is a national service program working to build the next generation of leaders for our country and communities across all 50 states. Lead For Minnesota was a former state affiliate of this national nonprofit.

Develop and Manage Fellowship Program
Assist with Grantwriting and Compliance
Direct an AmeriCorps Program
Change Smalltown Narratives in Minnesota

Want to know more? Head to my LinkedIn. ↗
©Anna Pollock 2024ANNA POLLOCK