When the Summer’s Over
a novel
Published June 2023


Cover photography by Janosch Diggelmann
Cover illustration by Olivia O’Quinn
ELLIE SOMERS has never left Minnesota. In fact, she grew up on the same acre of land where she currently manages a produce farm. And still lives... with her parents. But that doesn't mean she's about to let the new farm-hand-by-day, researcher-by-night walk all over her. Even with his collection of degrees, and her lack of one, he doesn't hold a candle to her experience in running a full-scale farm operation. She should know, she wrote the grant that hired him.

Meanwhile, CYRUS LEXINGTON has never had a reason to leave New York. Why would he? Everything he's ever wanted — and then some — was easily accessible with dad's credit card. And now, due to a series of unfortunate events that were mostly someone else's fault, he has no other option than to uproot his entire life in the Empire State to work at a dinky little hobby farm in Meriden, MN. If his parents had any say in his life choices, he’d be managing his own investment firm, but that’s not an option either.

Both are given a chance to re-write their stories to each other. Will love take root unexpectedly? Or are they destined to grow their own separate ways? With the help of the Meriden community and Mother Nature herself, they’ll both find out when the summer’s over.



When the Summer’s Over marks a first for me. First manuscript ever completed, first time designing the interior of a novel, first time self-publishing! So much to celebrate.

Ellie Somers is a mirror. I, too, live in my hometown and tend to get a little in my head about the things I care about. But Ellie also represents the many women in my life, and in most rural towns, that work day in, day out, to provide spaces that foster deep relationships. Much of that work is unseen, yet the image of potlucks, barbeques, and undying community gatherings in Meriden (yes, I grew up in a town called Meriden), still bring me back to a time of love. It reminds me that behind every pleasant childhood memory is a strong, hardworking woman making it happen.

To complement that, Cyrus represents those who have never found comfort or love within their own blood. He holds such a special place in my heart. At each turn, he tries to work on himself, even when he knows it would be easier (and has been easier) to fall back into privilege. While I don’t think Cyrus is changing the world, his world changes throughout the story, and that alone can challenge one’s personal principles. Cyrus comes out on the other side, though, and I’m so glad he finds his way... eventually. 

Fun fact: The name Cyrus means “sun” and is of Persian decent, while the name Ellie means “light” and is of French and English origins (when derived from Ellen, so it’s not perfect). Put them together and what do you get? Cheesy, I know.

©Anna Pollock 2024ANNA POLLOCK